Blatant administrative errors or deliberate traps?

I am (as some citizens probably have been) the victim of a blatant administrative error or perhaps even a deliberate entrapment. This particularly opaque situation seems to me to be a clever set-up between institutions like the Department of Hérault and the City of Montpellier, France. This is an administrative process that is probably deliberately hidden from the public.

Administrative errors can give rise to administrative traps with obvious repercussions. For example, the City of Montpellier, the Communal Social Action Center (CCAS) are in coordination with the Department of Hérault and the Family Allowance Funds (CAF),

This is how administrative errors seems to work.
An administration which gives an image of irresponsibility by not guaranteeing that all the individuals concerned (informed or not) are aware of their respective statuses, opens the way to suspicions of non-transparency.

Once the victim is accused, which is my case, the CAF and their lawyers select the documents they wish to present to the person(s), their lawyers and the judge while also retaining all the documents which support the assertions of the individual victims and could also weaken the CAF’s arguments.

In addition to selective submission of documents, CAF lawyers can choose when to provide information to individuals, their lawyers and to the court. This is probably to prevent the individual from requesting additional documents from the CAF before any legal hearing. This approach is complemented and coordinated by the administrative obstruction techniques of the CAF and by bureaucrats. If the CAF is sure of its case, it should not resort to these administrative tactics.

In addition, CAF intimidates its victims, even before a process or any negotiation. CAF starts withdrawing money from individuals’ bank accounts, sometimes leaving a balance of zero euros, as happened for me.

Add to this the Administrative Tribunal, bureaucrats who will inform all parties concerned of the date of the public hearing except the accused (in this case myself) and lawyer thus depriving the individual of his legal right to a hearing before the judge. The expression “a fair trial” does not always seem to be justified. Go to the site and enter T34 – 1906225 – 17887 to see this.

By not tackling this administrative situation, these institutions can create “criminals”, moreover, the CCAS declines all responsibility and allows the CAF to extract money from innocent people. All the CAFs have access to enormous legal resources, techniques, institutional authority and political connections that thwart victims’ legal remedies.

I have the firm intention of denouncing the administrative entrapment and economic extortion of which I have been a victim through a coordinated effort between local institutions.

I am currently writing letters to be addressed to the President of the Bar of Montpellier, to the Council of State, the Prosecutor of the Republic of France and to the Court of Justice of the European Union.

I ask anyone in France trapped by the CCAS and the CAF and accused of fraud to come forward, as well as all those who resisted by presenting their case before the Administrative Tribunal (CAS) and invite them to contact me.

Sincerely, an accused “serial fraudster”.