Adapt a Plant The Problem

Difficult to understand, enhance and adapt

Impossible to Democratize and evolve.

The Daily Weather data requires re-structuring

Lacks technical documentation, user support and project development potential

The Solution

A 3 step plan : 1)  Create a simulation of Phenofit’s models and calculations in Excel and use it as a working tool. 2) Transport Phenofit Excel  to web technologies (RISK,  GUI, Widgets, etc.) 3 Create an open / on-line community project.


There are several reasons for decomposing Phenofit and scaling it down to an Excel version.

It’s easier to understand thus we can evolve, enhance and adapt it It easier to structure Phenofit for user control and data manipulation The outputs are already in Excel and graphics and documentation

Greater potential as it opens Phenofit’s data and calculations to more people.